MWR airfilters - Ducati Scrambler 800 All

MWR airfilters - Ducati Scrambler 800 All View larger


New product

Due to the highly restricted airbox we developed this MWR power-up airfilter kit MC-025-13 to make the difference in performance gains

MWR Power-up airfilterkit for the Scrambler 797 and Monster 797

Filter is used best way in combination with MWR performance filter MC-025-14

The MWR Power-up filterkit is developed to create an extra airintake for some extra power .

Both filters to install on the left side of the airbox (shown on the picture) .

Make the hole with a dremel according the included drawing .

Install the filter with included screws and spacers

Fuel adaptions are highly recommended

94.90 CHF tax incl.

Delivery time is about three weeks

Stock quantity : 0

Technical sheet

ReferenceMotorcycle brandMotorcycle modelYearsPart brandReceipt by type
MC-025-23Ducati803 Scrambler Icon2023,2024MWR airfilters6DA559,6DA562